How to Edit Youtube Video Title After Upload

How to Optimize YouTube Tags/Title/Description for More Views

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Mar 31, 2022• Proven solutions

Making awesome video content is just the first hurdle to overcome. Getting people to sentinel them is the next and a much bigger obstacle in your path. But every bit a blogger must work hard to get people to read their blog, then a YouTuber needs to find ways to get more views on their videos.

For any piece of content on the internet, discoverability is fundamental to exposure. After all, nobody will watch your video or read your blog if they can't detect it, right? A blogger would do this past lacing their content with SEO - search engine optimization. But how tin a YouTuber do the same? The answer lies in something known as YouTube tags optimization. In this article, we will let you know how to add, edit and optimize YouTube tags easily for more views, and some tips on YouTube championship and description.

Quick Jump Carte du jour

  • What are YouTube tags and why they are so important
  • How to come with YouTube tags and optimize them
  • How to Tag YouTube and Add Title, Clarification
  • How to Ameliorate YouTube video Metadata: Tags, Championship, Clarification
  • Tips for Tagging YouTube and Writing Title, Description

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Part 1: What are YouTube tags and why they are and so important

YouTube tags are used when you upload a video on YouTube. Y'all need to specify the type of video. In other words, you need to describe your video with keywords. But you might think almost why you demand to add these words. YouTube can't figure out what my videos are about? Unfortunately, YouTube can't though its algorithm is much more advanced than before.

Y'all must know the competition between videos is furious since 500 hours of video per minute are uploaded on YouTube. In this case, information technology is of import to let the YouTube algorithm know your video by adding related tags to have a college ranking. So the better tags nosotros choose, the higher hazard to rank in the top 1, which means you will get more views!

Using YouTube meta tags wisely can broaden your reach and aid new people notice your content. However, don't exist tempted to insert irrelevant tags just because you know they are loftier traffic. You volition exist found out and penalized equally a result. Just as you lot did with your description, enquiry your keywords, identify the near important ones first and apply equally many every bit you can.

What are the three YouTube tag types?

YouTube has 3 different types of tags and each of them has a specific purpose. The tags are-

Specific – The specific tag types are keywords-oriented. These keywords specifically pertain to the content of your video. In this tag blazon, the item video is highlighted with the keyword tags. Often while typing the keywords in your mind, YouTube suggests phrases and keywords according to the content of your video. You may apply the suggestions and also add more than general or common versions of the aforementioned keywords.

Compound – The compound tags are usually using more than than 2 words. Many a time it is seen that users prefer tagging the complete championship of the video. If you are using your video title equally the compound tag, ensure that you do non include the prepositions similar or, as, and, etc. This is because YouTube allows just 500 characters in the title and ignore the prepositions. Information technology is always brash to use all the 500 characters YouTube has immune without wasting the characters on prepositions as it will automatically exist ignored.

Generic – The generic tags are the ones that describe the unabridged video in one or ii words. These tags are used in all the videos of yours. These tags are used across your aqueduct for all the videos y'all mail service. It is important to have such general abiding tags.

Part 2: How to add YouTube tags and optimize them

The more than relevant tags you add together, the better it is. The best function is YouTube doesn't restrict the number of tags but adding all is not possible and adding something irrelevant doesn't make sense. So, your YouTube video tags must be the smart ones for more views. Educated tagging is what is required.

1. Make-Specific Tags Addition - Every business wants their brand name to testify up in the search results on YouTube and Google. Self-referencing your video or tagging your make name in a number of variations is a smart mode of letting others know your brand.

2. Using YouTube Automobile Propose – Play with the search option on YouTube and cheque out the YouTube suggestions when you lot search. Endeavour to recognize the mutual videos that pop up while searching for something of import and relevant to yours. Endeavor searching for random keywords according to your YouTube search experience.

youtube auto suggest

3. Apply the YouTube Keyword Search Tool – Lastly, yous may employ the YouTube keyword suggestion tool. It helps you to extract the relevant keywords from the videos of your competitors and create suggestions according to the basic term provided by you lot.

4. Apply Specific Tags - After using tools, you need to narrow downwardly your tags specifically, like tags "learn 3D newspaper cutting". The search book may not be huge, simply these kinds of tags can let YouTube know your video very well. Give it a try!

5. Check competitor's Tags - When yous cheque tags from other brands, information technology is non suggested to re-create them all. What you lot need to do is detect what you are missing and attempt to cover that surface area. All the same, only third-political party tools can assistance y'all do that. In the market, VidIQ is highly used. Information technology has a free version. Well-nigh of all data including tags can be constitute for higher views.

youtube tags for views

YouTube Tags Bonus Tips

Here you can learn some tips when optimizing tags. You tin use singular and plural tags. Sometimes remember to add some misspelling tags because users tend to mistype some words, and then it'south better to cover this kind of tag. You lot tin can get more information on misspelled words. More than tips are listed below.

  • Build on what you learned in your keyword research and employ high traffic keywords equally tags
  • Use every bit many tags as possible, but without being spammy
  • Build related playlists using particular tags
  • Be generic; 'big', 'funny' and 'sweet' are fine, just 'luscious', 'delightful' and 'splendid' don't make the best tags
  • Put the most important tags showtime
  • Mix single word tags with 'long tail' tags, due east.g. 'how to'

Part 3: How to Tag YouTube and Add together Title, Description

For a New Video

    • Step 1. The start thing you lot demand to practise is to sign in to your YouTube account.
    • Pace 2. And so click the Upload button that's found on the top right corner of the window.

Find Upload option

    • Step 3. Then select the video that you want to upload. Yous will be asked to add a title, clarification, and tags.

Add title, description and tags

  • Step four. After uploading, you can however edit the YouTube championship, description, and tags.

For a Published Video

There are times when you desire to alter the title, description or tag of an already published video. The adept news is that YouTube allows you to re-edit them whenever you want to.

    • Pace one. Log into your YouTube account
    • Pace two. Click the account name found at the top right-hand corner of the screen. Then you will have a dropdown menu. Select Video Director to show a listing of your uploaded videos.

Locate Video Manager

  • Step 3. Click the Edit push button that'due south found correct adjacent to the video that you want to change. In the Video Information, you can at present change the title, description or whatsoever of the tags. Click on the Salvage Changes button when y'all are done.

Part 4: How to Improve YouTube Video Title and Description

Metadata on YouTube is where both the viewers and the platform itself tin can observe out what your video is all about. It helps people search for your video, helps YouTube to categorize information technology correctly and, when done well, tin can broaden the achieve of your content. YouTube meta consists of three main parts: tags, title and description. Here'southward how you can apply each of these three elements to create powerful metadata for your video:

ane. Title

YouTube titles play a large role in the ranking factors for search. That means you've got to call back almost what the people most likely to want to meet your video will type into the search bar, as well every bit the words that accurately describe your video.

For case, if yous have a clip of your cat Fluffy climbing a tree, calling your video 'Fluffy climbs a tree' is not the best thought. Nobody knows who Fluffy is; it could be your rabbit, dog, girl or feather squeegee for all the YouTube community knows, and nobody is going to be searching for it.

A better championship would exist 'cat climbs a tree, only yous could even amend on that. How about 'funny cat climbs a tree', which would capture all those people looking for funny cat videos. Or, even better, 'funny Persian cat climbs a tree', also capturing those people who admire Western farsi cats.

Y'all can meet how building awesome YouTube titles tin happen organically like this, but it's also worth doing your homework too. We take collected a handful of YouTube Keyword tools for you lot to improve your YouTube meta, and then check out the suggestions and work forwards from there.

Best practices

  • Research your keywords and include high traffic keywords at the start of the title
  • Continue titles under 70 characters
  • Branding, episode number, and other non-essential info should be at the end of the title
  • Review your YouTube titles from time to time and update with new keywords as search trends change
  • Avoid clickbait titles or misleading titles as this volition affect your view fourth dimension and afterwards your ranking in search

2. Description

Your description is a much longer slice of YouTube meta, so you can really go to town with your YouTube keywords hither. You've got upwardly to 5,000 characters to fill in, and we strongly advise that you aim to use every single one. This really is a golden opportunity, non only to get people motivated to watch all of your video, only also to be indexed correctly through well researched YouTube keywords.

Y'all may have noticed that, on the search page itself, only a small part of the description really shows upward; 120 characters of information technology to exist precise. This doesn't affect indexing, but information technology does mean you lot have to plan your YouTube description advisedly to really hook people into clicking through from simply the first sentence or two.

Best practices

  • Make the first sentence or two compelling and captivating to get people to click
  • Research the all-time YouTube keywords to apply to ensure your video is correctly indexed
  • At the end of your YouTube clarification, include a call to activeness to directly viewers on what to practice next (subscribe, click through to the website, await at a production, watch more videos, etc.)
  • If your video is long, consider placing time codes in your description to help users jump to their areas of interest
  • Add links to products showcased, your social channels, or website every bit you wish
  • Don't forget to credit whatsoever music you've used here

Part 5: Tips for Tagging YouTube and Writing Title, Description

And then, now we've got the basics down, let's motility on to some meridian tips for getting your metadata merely right:

  • 1. Do not spam

Irrelevant keywords will not do you any favors in the long run. Using a pop search term such as 'funny cat' when really information technology's a video of you unboxing your production will simply irritate your viewers. Y'all'll become more views, but for shorter durations, and that will hurt not only your ranking but as well your reputation. The people you lot want to draw in with your YouTube meta should be those who are genuinely interested in your videos, every bit these are the people who volition share, annotate and interact with you.

  • 2. Don't put tags in the description

YouTube has given you a place to put your tags, and that's not in the description area of your meta. Placing tags in the description surface area is known as tag stuffing and can lead to videos being removed or penalized.

  • 3. Update regularly

YouTube meta is not a static thing. Trends alter, search statistics fluctuate, and the needs of your viewers alter as time goes on. For this reason, you should look to update your meta from time to time, at least in one case every half-dozen months or so. Re-research your keywords and optimize for today's trending search terms.

You May As well Like: YouTube SEO Complete Guide


Take some time to perfect your meta on YouTube and see how many more than views it helps you get. Allow us know if you accept whatsoever other tips for developing powerful metadata, and how optimizing your meta has worked for you!

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Richard Bennett

Richard Bennett is a author and a lover of all things video.


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